mire keeper

I'm not so sure about this card in a C'Thun druid. I would prefer having only Klaxxi Amber-Weaver, Swipe and C'Thun's Chosen. The +1 mana is kinda awkward on a turn 4, and ... Yeah, also expected that, but why is it like that? You are gett

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  • I'm not so sure about this card in a C'Thun druid. I would prefer having only Klax...
    Mire Keeper - Hearthstone Cards - HearthPwn
  • Notes [edit | edit source] Unlike Wild Growth, Astral Communion and Pilfered Power, this c...
    Mire Keeper - Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki
  • Mire Keeper is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Druid Minion card from the Whispers of the Old Gods set!...
    Mire Keeper - Hearthstone Card - Hearthstone Top Decks
  • Mire Keeper is a minion for the druid class. For the cost of 4, he allows druids to either...
    Mire Keeper | Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki | FANDOM ...
  • Mire Keeper is a Druid-only minion. This card can be obtained from Whispers of the Old God...
    Mire Keeper - WoWHearthstoneD3Heroes News and Guides - ...
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    爐石戰記透視鏡|卡片|沼地看守者 Mire Keeper
  • When you play Wild Growth on 10 mana, (2 cost spell, "Gain an Empty Mana Crystal&quot...
    Wild Growth, Mire Keeper - Excess Mana Bug - Hearthstone ...
  • Retrieved from "http://wiki.teamliquid.net/hearthstone/index.php?title=Mire_Keeper&am...
    Mire Keeper - Liquipedia Hearthstone Wiki
  • We've seen that only cards with two strong Choose One options make it into play. That&...
    WotOG Card Spotlight: Don't overlook Mire Keeper! | Mana ...
  • With Piloted Shredder leaving, I can see this becoming the new 4 drop in Ramp Druid. I don...
    New Druid Card - Mire Keeper - Card Discussion - Hearthstone ...